Clocky The Rolling Alarm Clock
This alarm clock will be sure to get you up. It allows you to hit the snooze button once before it jumps off your desk and rolls around on the ground beeping like crazy. You'll have to get up out of bed to catch it and turn it off before your roommate kills you.
Clocky Alarm Clock On Wheels, AquaAlarm Clocks)
Water Powered Clock
The water powered clock is just that and more. Its a clock powered by water, soda, coffee or even beer! This one isn't an alarm clock but it is a fun addition to your dorm room.
The water powered clock can be found on for $12.99
The Dumbbell Alarm Clock
What could be better than waking up and getting a workout at the same time? The dumbbell alarm clock makes you do a predetermined amount of reps before it shuts off. It also has a normal function for those of you who don't want to work out too much.
The Dumbbell alarm clock can be found on for $28.95
Flying Alarm Clock
This is pretty self explanatory. The helicopter top of this alarm clock flys away when it goes off and you must return it to the base in order to shut it off. This one is for those nights when you just know you aren't going to be waking up in the morning without some extreme convincing
Flying Digital Alarm Clock - BlackElectronic Alarm Clocks)
The Vibrating Pillow Alarm
Place this unique alarm under your pillow and it vibrates you awake. Great for not waking up your roommate and a more peaceful awakening than the usual loud obnoxious beeping.
Vibrating Pillow LCD Alarm ClockLow Vision Clocks & Watches)
Laser Alarm Clock
This alarm is an early morning test of accuracy and patience. Try aiming the gun at the target and pulling the trigger while keeping your eyes closed....not easy!
Laser Target Alarm Clock
What's better than an alarm clock speaker that rotates? Nothing. But honestly, this one is really cool. Big sound comes in small packages.
Shocking Alarm Clock
This alarm clock gives you good incentive to wake up. You can either keep hearing to ringing or hit the top button to turn it off...and get shocked! How electrifying.
This sells for $8.28 on
Not For the Average College Student
I know most college students are running low on money if not flat broke, so I would not suggest this alarm to most. This wi-fi enabled alarm donates money to a charity straight from your bank account every time you hit the snooze button. It also keeps a running total of your past donations from snoozing. This is the ultimate weapon to fight snoozing, but what a charitable way to wake up!
Buy on for $39.99